Donate to support future doctors everywhere.
To meet our mission of empowering students from any socioeconomic background to a career in medicine, we rely heavily on the generosity of individuals and businesses for support. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, we ask that you support our programs by making a tax-deductible donation to help students emerge as doctors and healers nationally with your generosity. Our EIN is 85-4262099, and our IRS confirmation letter can be downloaded here.
Why donate?
The idea that any student can become a doctor is a far cry from reality. Between test preparation and application fees, thousands of students are unwarrantedly deterred from applying to medical school.
According to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), more than 48% of medical students come from the top income quintile, while less than 6% come from the bottom quintile. One major cause for this discrepancy is the unavailability of affordable MCAT® (Medical College Admissions Test) resources for test preparation. Traditional tutoring services cost thousands of dollars, unilaterally shutting out and hurting our country’s lowest socioeconomic students, and in turn, their communities.
In response, Socratic Med is leveling the playing field by providing students free MCAT®â€‹ lessons and tutoring sessions with the nation’s top MCAT® tutors.
How donations are used
Your donation directly funds our pre-med program to improve our long-term sustainability. Through our donation form, you can choose to designate your donation to our MCAT® program or Research Program if you wish to support a specific initiative. All funds go towards building and maintaining our programs, ex. website hosting, research journal fees, etc.
On behalf of the students you are helping, we wholeheartedly thank you for your support and dedication to their educational empowerment.
Socratic Med Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit; all donations are tax-deductible. Our EIN is 85-4262099, and our IRS confirmation letter can be downloaded here.